From Eros to Amor – Virgo Gets Personal

By Len Walick

Those of us who are not solar Virgos might have had occasion to admire how the members of that tribe can be at once practical and adaptable. If you’re conceived in the days before a solstice, or born in the days before an equinox, you’re preparing for and adjusting to changes of pattern from before the beginning of earthly life.

As we adjust to the new patterns of relationship wrought by an eclipse cycle, we integrate those new patterns into the continuum of change that is the cardinal t-square.

Orientation and synchrony would have it that the luminaries and several planets have Virgo in common today as new templates of our time emerge. Venus pursues Mars there. Saturn is in the last half of the last degree, concluding its long tenure. Mercury approaches the sign where it will station retrograde next month at the precise degree to sextile last weekend’s total solar eclipse. The Sun still reaches out in support. Last but certainly not least, the waxing Moon is in Virgo all day and all night.

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