Shine a Reflection

By Len Wallick

Today, the Sun is very late in the sign of Cancer, indeed, in the last degrees of that sign. These last few degrees of any planet or luminary in any sign are often a time of trial or transition: the end of a cycle, that feels like it’s gotten old. The nature of the stress will depend upon the luminary or planet, the sign and the ruler of that sign as well as any other objects in aspect. So it’s never precisely the same, this phase, never the same experience except for one factor: the very circumstances that coincide with the last degrees can also be a time of revelation through discomfort, providing us with an opportunity to awaken to that form of awareness we need the most at the time. It is also just too darned uncomfortable to remain asleep.

Today, our Sun also becomes the apex of a functional yod. At the base of the yod is a sextile between the Galactic Center (in late Sagittarius) and Neptune, retrograde in late Aquarius. That will be the focus of our explorations today.

It would seem proper to start with a review of the yod aspect, continue to the two slow movers in applying sextile at the base of the yod, finally returning to the Sun, the sign that it’s in and the depositor of the sign.

A yod aspect is so named because it is shaped like the letter “Y”. The base of the yod is equivalent to the upper part of the “Y” and consists of two or more points in a tight sextile. A sextile, sixty degrees of separation, is a supportive and encouraging aspect. It is not a silver spoon, however. Rather it is a golden opportunity.

To complete the yod, both members of the sextile must also be in a simultaneous quincunx (150 degrees of separation) from a third object that corresponds to the lower member of the letter of the ” Y”. That third object is the apex of the yod. Because a quincunx is not a supportive aspect, two at once would be downright uncomfortable. Thus the meaning of the yod is focused on the object at its apex. It feels like a combination of an aspect from Chiron and an opposition. There is an implied tension that would seem to indicate an adjustment is in order.

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