From Alpha to Omega

By Len Wallick

Let’s get right down to it.

This morning at 5:40 am EDT in the United States, retrograde Chiron returned to Aquarius. There it will station direct on Nov. 6, 2010. Finally, it will come back to Pisces on Feb. 9, 2011 where it will stay until early 2019.

Tomorrow morning at 11:12 am EDT, Saturn direct will return to Libra where it will stay until late 2012. Saturn briefly visited Libra this year, returned to Virgo for one last cleanup visit, and is now about to move on to the new sign, rejoining the cardinal cross T-square from Libra.

Before you ask, “What does it mean?” pause to consider that you may already know. From patterns in your own life. Especially patterns of relationship. Feel this one out.

These are no ships passing in the night. Chiron and Saturn have had a long and auspicious relationship of their own. Chiron’s orbit crosses that of Saturn, which tells you most of what you need to know. If Saturn is a boundary, Chiron is the way through. That said, the two energies can feel identical at times. Chiron has a lot of Saturn to it.

Their mutual sign transitions on successive days continue the theme implied by the recent eclipse cycle. A theme that has integrated into the the continuing story of the cardinal t-square that we are in the process of writing: relationships are evolving because they must. Today and tomorrow are part of that evolution. [Please see footnote from Eric at the bottom of this article, explaining how outer planet sign transitions work]

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