To Your Full (Moon) Potential

By Len Wallick

…unusually uncertain…”
Benjamin Bernanke, Chairman, Federal Reserve of the United States

No scat, Sherlock. And the chairman of the Federal Reserve gets paid how much to to dispense such profound wisdom? Fortunately he’s not going to get paid a dime for unwittingly describing the current astrology.

Let’s start with the Full Moon.

If you live at zero degrees longitude (London, Le Harve, Valencia, Reggane, Gao or Dori) it will be exact shortly after 1:30 this morning. That’s another way of saying UTC (coordinated universal time). Anywhere to the west of there and we are talking sometime late yesterday. If it’s to the east of zero degrees longitude (also called the Greenwich Meridian) the Full Moon would be sometime after 1:30 am. Of course the twain does indeed meet 12 hours earlier or later (depending on which direction you go) at the international date line that weaves like a drunken sailor from the Arctic to the Antarctic in the Pacific Ocean.

So, if you look at your vampire movie calendar you might see that the Full Moon was yesterday. If you then look at your insurance company calendar that pegs it for today, that’s the unusually uncertain for you. Astrologically it will be one thing after another. Psychologically, things may seem to happen fast. Strategically the plan is to step back and not get too invested in outcome because it will even out. That’s where certainty will ultimately be found. Knowing that whipsaw oscillations will find stability and the long term big picture will prevail.

That’s the reason we’ll start our week with a review of the cardinal t-square. There’s a lot more going on. This blog could take the form of a laundry list of aspects and transits. But that would only add to the unusual uncertainty and who needs that besides some pathetic suit trying to cover his backside? The cardinal t-square. That’s our framework for a long term picture right now. Nuances come and go but the scaffold lasts for years. That way we’ll get a leg up on the befuddled chairman.

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