What You Get

By Len Wallick

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”
Mother Theresa

Now that we have moved past the Full Moon it would seem appropriate to catch up and organize our thoughts. There has been a lot of astrology since the middle of last week. The next few days will witness a lot more. Our task is to build on what yesterday’s blog started. The underlying theme is once again the concept of relationship.

Yesterday, we went back to the basics of the ongoing cardinal T-square. Then we moved to the fundamentals of the Sun-Moon opposition that we call a Full Moon. We recalled how the Full Moon at the end of June was also a lunar eclipse. We demonstrated how that lunar eclipse transformed the cardinal T-square into a cardinal grand cross for a short period of time.

We referred to the orientation of the Sun and Moon during the lunar eclipse as being in relationship to the cardinal T-square, a relationship that one could see by drawing a simple diagram on paper.

We then carried the theme of relationship forward to yesterday’s Full Moon in Aquarius. An event characterized by unusual uncertainty, demonstrated by the fact that some calendars placed it on Sunday, some on Monday. We postulated a first principal of resolving uncertainty, especially in relationship: knowing and being aware of where you are at and how you feel about it.

Today we build on that by further connecting the current astrology with the concept of relationship. We will do that by proceeding from the concept and practice of self awareness to the concept and practice of exchange.

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