There Goes the Neighborhood

By Len Wallick

Mars direct into Libra. Savor that one. For those of us west of zero degrees longitude (the vertical line that runs through London, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana) it will happen before midnight tonight. For those East, sometime tomorrow morning, sort of like the Full Moon that started our week.

Remember? Our very calendars, representing the established order, were not in agreement. Some said the Full Moon was on Sunday, some showed it to be on Monday. To heck with the calendars. They didn’t have their act together. We encouraged you to figure out where you were at on the face of the Earth so as to eliminate the unusual uncertainty of whether for YOU, the Moon was full on Sunday or Monday. Then we asked you to extend that idea and figure out where you are at inside of yourself, a first step of rising above and becoming an exception to the unusual uncertainty which has characterized our time. Just because Big Daddy is lost does not mean you have to be.

In the Monday blog we asked you to draw a cross inside a circle — the basic zodiac for our purposes. The cross divides the circle into four parts, the seasons. The lines are where each season begins, the cardinal points. The Sun moves around the circle counter-clockwise, initiating each season as it reaches each cardinal point. The full circuit is one solar year.

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