Crossing the T (again)

The chart is for the moment that Venus enters Libra on Friday. Aries is to the center left, the Moon in Cancer is to the lower left. The green square connects all the planets that form the cardinal T-square. The green lines are the squares; but since planets are also in opposition, those are shown -- in purple. I have removed a number of points from this display, to keep it simple. There is a glyph key linked from the top of every post. -- efc

By Len Wallick

Friday the Moon will roll into the sign Cancer, which it rules. Shortly before midnight in the same time zone Venus will ingress Libra, where it is the ruling planet.

This dual homecoming, significant enough by itself, will function to convert our long-term cardinal T-square into yet another grand cardinal cross. We are going to consider this new one in comparison to the first big one, just six weeks ago.

We have asked you to draw some diagrams lately. Today that practice will begin to pay off for you. Please get out two pieces of paper and your writing instrument.

Remember this past June 26? It was a Saturday (at least in the Western Hemisphere) and there was a partial lunar eclipse that morning. All eclipses are special but this one was extra special: it was conjunct Pluto. To help you remember take the first piece of paper and draw our old familiar diagram of the circle divided into four equal parts by a cross. The four parts are the seasons. The four lines that make up the cross are where the seasons begin.

By definition those four lines are also where the four cardinal signs begin. The normal motion of a planet around the circle is counterclockwise, unless it is retrograde. It takes the Sun one year to move around the circle. This first diagram will help us remember the lunar eclipse on June 26.

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