The Upside of Down — Sun Opposite Saturn

The Taurus Sun opposes retrograde Saturn in Scorpio at 2:28 pm EDT Saturday to look at the upside of what brings you down. It has to do with what the Sun does. It’s about what oppositions are and how they are interpreted.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Prevailing interpretations of Saturn are also up for scrutiny. Finally, context will serve to distinguish this particular solar opposition to the ringed one from all others.

In your everyday, the Sun illuminates the world. The most straightforward interpretation of the Sun in astrology follows suit with your everyday experience.

Wherever the Sun moves on the zodiac, illumination follows. Objects in the sign opposing the Sun are considered especially subject to a more lucid interpretation, a perception that also parallels palpable reality.

The prototypical opposition, which serves as the template through which all other oppositions are interpreted, is the Full Moon. During a Full Moon, the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon. As benefit of being betwixt the luminaries, the Moon’s earthward side is fully lit and visible all night (weather permitting), allowing for the long and thorough contemplation for which Full Moons are famous.

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