Astrology in the Body

By Len Wallick

And then there’s the challenging point: to see this prior to everything being all worked out…”
Eric Francis

This is going to be another week with a lot of astrology to keep track of. Helping you to think your own way through it, rather than telling you what to think is one purpose of your faithful reporter’s service. Helping you retain your thoughts and discoveries in your own physical consciousness is the next, hoped-for step in that service.

If you will recall, in recent weeks we accomplished that purpose by drawing simple pictures together. Remember the cross in the circle? Today, or rather tonight, we are going back to before there was paper and something to write with. We are asking you to use your own beautiful human body to connect us with the sky.

Today Saturn is direct in early Libra, while retrograde Jupiter is in early Aries — both exact in the opposition that Eric previewed last week. Uranus retrogrades back to Pisces until March of 2011, and combined with the Saturn-Jupiter opposition this can fairly be considered a new rendition of the cardinal T-Square.

It is not like Uranus is out of the action. Its energy is simply being expressed differently now that it is in Pisces again. It is as if submerged, more diffuse and subjective than before, and more a matter of what we have in common than anything having to do with self. Like Pluto and Saturn before it, however, Uranus remains a continuous part of the cardinal T-square in spite of a short return to its previous sign of long tenure. We will come back and touch base with Uranus in the coming days and weeks. Today, however, we want to literally get in touch with today’s most prominent aspect.

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