First in the Body

By Len Wallick

The focus of yesterday’s blog was accessing the new rendition of the cardinal T-square in your physical body and intuition. Precipitated by retrograde Uranus’ return to Pisces until next March, it is the first time Jupiter has been alone in early Aries, opposed to Saturn in Libra and in a square to Pluto in Capricorn. One might say that Jupiter is now fully fledged, flying solo for the first time.

The cardinal T-square now has acquired some layers: that Jupiter represents expansion and Saturn contraction, and their opposition represents the knotty problem of integration of opposing principles. Their mutual square to Pluto represents the path to resolution through conscious evolution. The long-term consequence of the long-term aspects is to reboot patterns and paradigms for an even longer time. The experience and practice of relationship will, to a great extent determine how it all turns out.

That’s a lot to intellectualize, much less keep track of. That’s how we came to offer such exercises as drawing basic diagrams and actually getting out under the sky and pointing your arms here and there. The more you can feel the T-square the easier it will be to feel your way through what may seem like externally enforced changes. The less you have to think about it, the more authentic your responses will be.

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