From Body to Mind

By Len Wallick

Tomorrow, Friday August 20, Mercury stations retrograde at one minute before 4 pm EDT at 19+ degrees Virgo. This is an event that takes place three times in most calendar years. This corresponds directly to the fact that Mercury goes around the Sun about three times in the period that it takes the Earth to go around once. This particular year we get to experience most of four because one was already in progress when 2010 began.

Not all Mercury retrogrades are created equal. Granted, all of them have a great deal in common. In addition, the sign or signs in which the retrograde takes place, and even the degree at which it stations are subject to subtle cyclic repetition. However, the location and direction of that sign’s ruler, the orientation of the luminaries and the placement and direction of all the other planets are never precisely duplicated. Thus, every retrograde period develops a theme of its own.

The first thing to realize about any retrograde is that it is an illusion of perspective. There’s not much difference in the actual speed at which planets move but the varying size and shape of orbit will create a difference in the apparent speed. To simplify, the planets on the inside lanes will lap those tracing a longer ellipse. This creates an observational experience somewhat akin to being on a train that starts to move forward, making the stationary train on the next track appear to move backward.

Another thing to know is that when a planet stations it turns on a dime and gives you ten cents change. One moment it is slowly moving in one direction. Then, precisely the same moment it is slowly moving the other way. No, there is no stationary moment. Just think, if you could do that, you would either be a superhero or a very highly paid athlete.

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