The Sky Does Not Lie

By Len Wallick

Yup, Mercury is still retrograde in Virgo. If we could see that planet right now, it would appear to be going backward even though we know good and well that it is not. That’s how the phenomenon of the truth coming out can be associated with this period: knowing better than to be deceived and acting to overcome deception. Knowing and acting, as it turns out, are also the essential elements of a seditious act. Our unhidden agenda today is to recruit you in just such a act.

Hearkening back to last Thursday’s blog, the seventh annual “big Mars in the sky” Internet hoax has been making the rounds. Every August since 2003 the bogus e-mail is believed and forwarded by nearly everyone who reads it. Fooled for seven years in a row — sound familiar?

With all due respect to those who feel that being repeatedly led down the garden path may eventually lead to some sort of enlightenment, your skeptical correspondent feels strongly that the time has come to say enough is enough. It is in this spirit that we encourage you to make a practice of looking at the night sky as soon as you can, as often as you can. Tell your friends. Call the folks who have taken up permanent residence in a traffic jam in China. Tweet the tea party. Send a letter to a soldier. Tell them to stop looking at lies and look at the gosh-darned sky. The rest will follow of its own course.

That’s the seditious act.

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