Evolution to Revolution

By Len Wallick

The cardinal T-square grinds on, as transitional as other cycles — earthly, celestial, big and small. The idea that one cycle can inform others is at the heart of your faithful servant’s work here on Planet Waves. Please keep that in mind through the days of our mutual service.

Up until now, the cardinal T-square has been a gathering of sorts. Where it all really began is up for discussion, but in 2008 Pluto got the whole shebang really rolling with its double ingress to Capricorn, a cardinal sign. The irresistible force of the metamorphic transformer came to shake immovable pillars of the established order.

The last time this happened was during an age of revolution in our lives on earth and our consciousness of the heavens: the revolt that originated the United States of America and the discovery of Uranus. For two centuries afterward, the revolution precipitated emulation all over the world. Uranus’ discovery opened our consciousness to the skies, science and mathematics as a means to extend our reach — even as our grasp was left behind.

In many ways we are still absorbing, adjusting to and struggling with the consequences of what happened the last time Pluto moved through Capricorn. That leaves open the question of whether we are prepared for this time around, even as we are two years into the process, and makes us question what direction the unavoidable evolution will take. Will we choose to leave the dross of the past behind, moving forward with the rare and refined? Or will we elect to become one with the dregs as our fine spirit evaporates?

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