Transcendental Transition

By Len Wallick

There is something going on between the Moon and Mercury. Not your usual mathematical aspects of angle and degree. Something more subtle. A dance where the ideas of the conscious mind and the field of dreams come together. A convergence of the imagination and the imaginary.

But first, a look at the big picture. Today is the first Monday in September. For well over a century it has been observed as Labor Day — a national holiday in the United States. Its meaning has changed over the years. It was born of conflict and reconciliation between the government and workers who organized to bargain collectively. Over time, the meaning has evolved. It has come to represent the symbolic end of summer. A time of transition in public education, spectator sports, fashion, politics and the workplace.

This year it is synchronous with a time of astrological transition. The cardinal T-square’s new rendition started when Saturn completed its series of hard aspects to Pluto and Uranus. It continued with the retrograde re-entry of Uranus to Pisces after a preliminary reconnaissance of Aries. It will continue as Jupiter duplicates the double-dip across the Aries point, returning to Pisces in a few days. With this dual retreat from Aries, a fire sign, it is as if the heat has been turned down. The concurrence with the events of Labor Day, however, remind us that it has not gone away. The themes of relationship and the unity of personal and political continue even as they evolve.

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