Analytical Transition

By Len Wallick

By the time you read this, Venus is certainly in Scorpio, retrograde Jupiter is back in Pisces, and the Moon will be in Libra. Those are the sign changes. Mars, also direct, will follow suit with Venus with its own ingress to Scorpio next week.

In the meantime, retrograde Mercury’s apparent motion has slowed to less than half a degree a day and retrograde Pluto is all but standing still. By the time you read Monday’s blog, both will probably be direct. Those are the changes of direction. If you subscribe to the concept of synchronicity at all, this is clearly no time to be inflexible or narrow minded. There is also an element of the contradictory and the paradoxical.

How to respond? Well, there’s always the chill-out, hang-loose tactic. That’s not entirely a bad idea. Actually it’s an excellent approach to take if you don’t want to get anything done. However, the long-term, big-picture astrology indicates that the day will be won and the future shaped by those who act. The question is not so much whether you want a piece of that so much as how much the rest of us need you to step up. If you don’t, somebody else will and their creation may not be what you would like to see happen to who and what you love.

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