Kiss of the Spider

By Len Wallick

Every once in a while, a minor planet or asteroid is in the right place at the right time so as to serve the purpose of connecting diverse astrological events thematically. Today is one of those times. But first, a look at the bigger picture.

In a little over a week we will experience a Full Moon reminiscent of and complimentary to the lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010. It will closely follow the Sun’s ingress to a cardinal sign, in this case by hours rather than days. As such the axis of the Sun-Moon opposition will trace a line from the first degree of one cardinal sign to another. In this case, from Libra to Aries. Last June it was the Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Of course, this will serve to revive and further enrich the story of the ongoing cardinal T-square in the midst of its new rendition and eventual transition. It will also represent the literal and figurative end of one season with the beginning of another. Even though the actual event is yet to come, it is in development as the Moon waxes. As such, it is not a discreet event but a continuum of which today is a part.

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