Tracing the Web

By Len Wallick

Shortly after midnight EDT, Pluto stationed direct ending a retrograde period that started back in the first week of April. Consider how long ago that was.

Back then, Mercury had not yet stationed retrograde in Taurus, this last Sunday night it finished its subsequent retrograde in Virgo. Saturn had just rolled back into Virgo one last time, now it’s further into Libra than it has been for nearly 30 years. Jupiter and Uranus had not crossed the Aries point yet, now both are back in Pisces after having passed that cusp a second time. Chiron had not ingressed Pisces yet, now it’s back into Aquarius until next year.

Yup, a lot has happened in the last five months or so. Way back then very few people had heard of a Deepwater Horizon or a WikiLeaks. If there is anything to synchronicity, taking stock of those events will be part of what Pluto will be a involved with for the rest of 2010. Shortly after 2011 begins it will be breaking new ground in Capricorn until next April when it will be time to backtrack again. This pattern is something like three steps forward followed by two steps back repeated over and over. Progress is slow but steady and no stone is left unturned. This alone tells you a lot about Pluto in astrology.

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