Crossing the T

By Len Wallick

This week we will experience a Libra equinox like no other. It will follow and take place in the midst of several planetary aspects, slow moving events that shape and guide the story of our lives.

The cumulative synchronicity of personal and political events promises to be climactic, complex and potentially overwhelming. At the least, for those who are attuned to the energy, it will be revitalizing and brimming with energy.

Events come on fast and in a surprising way: Uranus is involved. The vibe is friendly and protective, involving Jupiter and Pisces; if you ride this energy consciously, you will be able to come out on the creative side. This will involve taking some chances, one of which is feeling safe and another of which involves an idea.

We are coming off a weekend that featured the first conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces since 1334. Back then, the true orientation of our planet in relation to the Sun was not common knowledge — in the western world, at least. If there was anyone who did know they were keeping it on the down-low.

Consider that it was not until 1543 that Copernicus published his theory of heliocentric cosmology. That’s over two centuries after the previous Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Add on another hundred years or so and we find a fellow by the name of Galileo was tried and convicted of heresy in 1632 simply because he supported the Copernican theory.

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