The T-Up

By Len Wallick

In view of the impending Libra equinox, it would do well to restate our objective for the week: the Sun and Moon’s components imply synchronicity, reiterating years into days, and months into hours. It is therefore important to break the event down into manageable pieces and not lose sight of the basics to avoid being overwhelmed. An historical perspective would be a good place to start.

Back on June 26 we had a strikingly similar event. In that case the lunar opposition followed the season change by about five days. Nevertheless, the Sun was still close enough to the cusp of Cancer so that the the Full Moon in Capricorn could be considered a full-on cardinal point event. Sol was conjunct Mercury, Luna was conjoined with Pluto and the opposing pairs were simultaneously square to Jupiter and Uranus in Aries and Saturn in late Virgo. Thus the cardinal T-Square became a cardinal grand cross in spades. And, as you recall, it was not just any old Full Moon along the Cancer-Capricorn axis, it was a lunar eclipse.

Some astrologers considered it the be-all, end-all, rootin’ tootin’ climax of the T-square. The response of yours truly was, not so fast, we have a ways to go. In all humility, events seem to have born that out. The “all of us together/all at the same time” quality of the experience continued to ramp up. The sense of personal responsibility for our collective future has become more focused. Nevertheless, June 26 was a significant event and this week would be an appropriate time to look back on it to remember what worked for us and what didn’t. That way we will know what to repeat and what to avoid.

Remember Mercury? Ah, it is a measure of how fast things are coming at us (or flying by us) to think that such a powerful retrograde should be off the astrological front pages already. Let us not forget. Especially because Old Fleet Foot is still in the echo (or shadow) phase, re-tracing the same part of Virgo for the third time. One of the most powerful elements of the retrograde in Virgo was the fact that it brought Mercury into a tense relationship with some extraordinary objects and points in the sign of Sagittarius. For today that means a third encounter with the centaur planets Hylonome and Pholus.

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