Making Tomorrow

By Len Wallick

Today we have an interesting triple conjunction in Sagittarius. The dwarf Planet Ceres, the largest concentration of mass in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, meets up with the Galactic Center and an interesting centaur named Crantor. The theme behind this auspicious gathering is posited to be one of transition.

How can anyone now doubt that we live in a time of transition? A lot of us got it in November of 2008 when the United States elected a president that almost nobody considered possible only a year before. On that day Saturn exacted the first of five oppositions with Uranus to kick off the cardinal T-square.

Now the cardinal T-square itself is in transition with Saturn having passed the lunar nodes as if to signify a departure from the past and the beginning of something new for that planet. The other members of the T- Square are spending the rest of this year re-grouping in preparation for a new rendition. Uranus and Jupiter are both retrograde in Pisces and in between rare conjunctions in that sign, signaling that the end of one age and the beginning of another is nigh. Pluto has recently stationed direct and is re-tracing its steps for the third time to emerge from its echo/shadow phase precisely when Jupiter and Uranus form that second Pisces conjunction early next year.

Yesterday, Mercury emerged from its own echo/shadow phase and is today in an awkward relationship — a quincunx — with the dwarf planet Eris, the significator of transformation in identity. This morning the Moon crosses over into Gemini in its own quincunx with Pluto. Pluto, of course, is all about the deepest form of transition, metamorphosis. With Mercury representing how we think, Luna representing how we feel and both currently in mutable signs, indications are that all of us, on some level, will be faced with an adjustment of some sort. For most of us that will come with an emerging awareness that things are not and can never be the same.

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