Making Do

By Len Wallick

“If the Super Bowl is the Ultimate Game, why are they playing it again next year?”
— Duane Thomas

The Sun takes 365 days to go around the 360 degree circle that is the zodiac. That’s the baseline for astrology and everything else is in comparison to that. Once a year during this circuit Sol will conjoin with Saturn. It’s not rare like Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions in Aries or Pisces. It’s not exceptional either. The Sun bumps into everything on your ephemeris while taking a lap.

So what is it about this year? You can feel it. It’s been coming on for days, at least. Eric felt compelled to write a short but cogent blog about “The highlight of this week’s astrology” just this last Monday, and he’s a busy man. Perhaps we should start with the highlight’s of Eric’s highlight.

There were three salient points. The first had to do with your work and authority. Notice that relationship. Most of us feed, clothe and shelter ourselves by devoting our time and energy to someone else’s satisfaction. Eric’s point was to be present to the mutuality of the relationship between employer and employed. It makes sense because Saturn has to do with authority and what each of us do to fit in to avoid being ostracized to society’s fringes. Then again, if everybody said “no, I’m not going to work anymore”, on the same day at the same time well, the tables would turn. That’s why certain natural substances are against the law, by the way.

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