The Shape of Things To Come

Thursday we will experience a New Moon in Libra. For the next three to four days, the Moon will be in its extreme waning phase, which is another way of saying the end of the lunar cycle. Therefore, this is the time to focus on ending old cycles and seeding the new cycles. Remember that most years each sign gets a New Moon once, and which focuses maximum energy on that particular vibration. This is our Libra moment.

Libra has themes we recognize: relationships and how we do them; the concept and expression of beauty, as much for its own sake as for the sake of what it is representing; and a quality of subtlety that can give way to a creative fire like none other, under the right circumstances.

Over the weekend Mercury ingressed Libra after more than two months in Virgo. That two months included one of the most psychologically challenging Mercury retrogrades in a while. It’s unusual for Mercury to spend so long in one sign, but that’s what happened this time around. Its ingress into Libra is the covering-all-bases moment of ‘this whole mentality is over’; whatever journey Mercury retrograde in Virgo, or Mercury in Virgo, represented, is over — and now we take with us, and apply, what we learned. At the moment of the New Moon, Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Libra, which you might say is about applied creativity.

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