The Shape of Things Past

By Len Wallick

One day closer to the New Moon and we can feel it. It’s almost like a new year, or an anniversary, or an edge. Your ephemeris says the Libra Sun has moved its obligatory not-quite-a-degree since yesterday. Yet somehow it is still winding up to its air guitar-stroke with the ‘how we/they think of us/them’ feel of the centaur Thereus in Gemini. On the way there Pholus, of small cause / big effect fame, pops up in Sagittarius like the lamp post we didn’t see and my, that was close. It is as if the greater luminary is driving under a yellow flag, cautiously holding a place, preparing to advance

The Moon meanwhile is feeling no such compunctions. Speed-reading the span of Mercury’s Virgo retrograde in a little over a day, gathering thorns there while it may. Speaking of Mercury, it’s no slouch, accelerating to join Saturn on Libra’s big couch.

How we think and what we feel are in concordance on this deal, let’s get over the edge and start Libra for real. But our expressed self, conscious and creative is not so sure. There might be more than we bargained for beyond that door.

Every conjunction of the Sun and Moon extinguishes the light of the previous lunar cycle while igniting a new one. The spark for that ignition is the energy of the sign in which the luminaries find concordance. Focusing that energy as a magnifying glass focuses light. With Sol and Luna coming together precisely on the the ascendant of the 9-11 chart the imperatives of Libra are being brought to the front door of that event. Striving for balance, justice and seeing the other side.

No wonder the Sun seems to be dragging its feet. How would you feel approaching a threshold anticipating a stranger with your face on the other side?

And what of the world, that collection of me’s that’s really one we. What precipitated from the events of September 11, 2001 has not been confined to the United States. Perhaps more than anything before or since, the whole world was watching. The empathy, fear and confusion moved the planet like a stand-sit wave around a stadium. It created a vortex in which most of us were caught up. Out of the loins of that vortex, the 21st century was born.

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