The Emergent Yin

By Len Wallick

In astrology, concurrent equals meaningful, and rare equals auspicious. Today’s blog will expand on that. Let us begin by noting the boundaries of this period and keep them in mind as a sort of background. Cognizant that the end is written in the beginning, re-examine the circumstances under which the retrograde began.

We are now well into the Venus retrograde which started within hours of the Libra New Moon late last week. Venus spends only about seven percent of its time — the least of the major planets — in apparent backward motion.

The retrograde will re-trace most of the first half of Scorpio. On Oct. 29, it will conjoin with the Sun. This will be an interior (alternatively called “inferior”) conjunction. That means it will be directly between the Earth and Sol. On the same day, Mars will ingress Sagittarius. It is also worth noting that this is taking place on the anniversary of Saturn’s first square to Pluto.

Venus will then continue its back track into the last few degrees of Libra where it will station direct on November 18. That will be the same day Jupiter stations direct in Pisces. For the remainder of 2010 and the first half of 2011, we will find Venus rising higher and higher in the eastern sky before dawn, the so-called morning star.

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