The Emergent Identity

By Len Wallick

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Today the Libra Sun opposes Eris in Aries. It’s not nearly as rare as some of the outer planet aspects. It happens once a year. Among oppositions, it does not have the ancient intuitive power of the Full Moon. Nor does it have the titanic tug of Jupiter opposing Saturn. On the night President Obama was elected, we got our first taste of Saturn facing off Uranus. Saturn opposite Pluto? Just call 911.

Nevertheless, this goes beyond one to watch. It’s one to experience. With each and every successive year, the awareness will grow and with it the influence. This year it’s special. Let’s break it down.

Oppositions are potent. Whether it’s face-to-face with your lover or in a fight, it’s get serious, go for broke, here and now time. In astrology there is a third party, us. Earth is hung out between the opposing planets, negotiating with both and each. That’s key to working with an opposition — negotiation and its fringe benefit — participation.

The Sun is big. Literally and in the figurative, astrological sense. Few creatures on the planet are not exposed to it on a daily basis. Even those who are not would not exist without Sol. The form of astrology that considers only the Sun is proof positive that less really is more and that the concept is viable.

As an astrological symbol the Sun is our expressed self, our intention shining out into the world. The Sun is our will, acting on beings and things. It is our own personal life force. Any opposition with the Sun is meaningful. Many of the minor planets were discovered when they were in opposition to Sol, or nearly so, because that is when they are most visible for what they are.

Eris the planet is a whole different ballgame. Although Sedna may, in the long run, prove to be the more meaningful scientifically and metaphorically, its discovery has not had nearly the same impact as Eris has on our time.

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