Stop and Go — Solar Gemini Begins

Solar Gemini begins at 10:59 pm EDT tonight with a motif of stop and go. The Sun’s first aspect upon ingress to Gemini — a square to asteroid 273 Atropos on Virgo’s front doorstep — will initiate the pattern.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Ten hours later, the Moon will enter Pisces to oppose Atropos and square the Sun, extending the lunar last quarter into a T-square aspect.

The scenario starts like this: very few events in astrology say “go” quite like the Sun entering a new sign.

Yet, the asteroid Atropos (nominally, at least) signals an unequivocal “stop” because it is named after the mythical figure whose job it was to snip the thread of life for each and every mortal. The last quarter Moon indicates impending closures as well.

Finally, a precise mutable T-square with the Gemini Sun in equal separation from the Virgo Moon and Atropos (implying a T-shaped configuration on the zodiac and in the sky) pretty much says “deal with it.”

So, deal with it you must. Fortunately, the same T-square indicates something of how you can.

The mutable quality of Gemini, Virgo and Pisces encourages you to be receptive to change as your first order of business. In order to go with the flow of change you must usually begin by practicing some discernment.

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