Creating a Second Chance

By Len Wallick

It seems right to start this week by telling you about the end of it.

This week will finish with a Full Moon. Last month, the opposition of the luminaries followed the the equinox by just minutes, with Luna on the Aries Point. This month the Full Moon will occur in the last degree of that sign, as if to see both sides of it.

But it is more than Aries that the September and October Full Moons have in common. Thanks to a rare retrograde station in the interim, Venus will occupy precisely the same spot on the zodiac for both events. To the degree. Indeed, to within two arc minutes. This unique confluence of repetitions will be the theme that we develop this week. But before we start on that, let’s take a brief look back to last week and then position ourselves in the big picture.

The euphoria that ensued with the improbable and unprecedented rescue of the Chilean miners was a reflection of our potential as well as our need at this time in history. For reasons we may never understand, circumstances combined in such a way as to make the impossible a reality. It was very much a counterpart to the first lunar landing just over 41 years ago and reflects the astrological connection between that year and this one — a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on the Aries Point — the expansion of potential, only this time on the opposite side of the zodiac. This phenomenon of obversion (defined as the act of immediate inference, by which we deny the opposite of anything which has been affirmed) is demonstrated by contrasting the two events.

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