Both Sides Now

By Len Wallick

It’s life’s illusions I recall, I really don’t know life at all…”
Joni Mitchell

Once again, our focus for the week is the Full Moon coming up this Friday. It has two things in common with the Full Moon in September. First, both take place in Aries, last month in the first degree, this month in the last. Second, Venus is in the same place both times thanks to its retrograde station in between. We are building up to Friday by looking at the daily astrology along the way.

Yesterday, it was Mercury forming the Libra-to-Aquarius air trine with the near-but-not-to-be conjunction of Neptune and Chiron. Today it is the Libra Sun’s turn to step into Mercury’s place. This will provide us with an intuitive chance to find out what a difference a day makes. It will also prepare us to make a comparison between the September and October Full Moons on both sides of Aries.

Let us recall that each sign is associated with one of the four elements in ancient western natural science. Signs of the same element have a geometric relationship called a trine. The key word for this relationship is flow. When planets are in different signs that share the same element, their communication flows easily with little tension or challenge. This can be a good thing. Things can open up and become with little or no effort. It can also be not so good if the relationship in question has become stale or toxic and is in need of an adjustment.

The near-miss conjunction of Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius implies an advent of clarity to our relationship with the collective. It is synchronous with an opportunity to see through self-deception and the deception of others. There is also the chance to move beyond feeling alone in the crowd and appreciate the power each of us has to live as an example to others.

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