Love on the Tracks

By Len Wallick

Today the Scorpio Sun forms a harmonious relationship with Pluto. You read that right. Pluto and harmony in the same sentence. It’s not just because Pluto’s reputation is a bit overwrought, it’s the signs.

But before we do that, let’s check on two other things. First, the other train running in the opposite direction, Mars. Just yesterday our focus was Venus and its brief but meaningful conjunction with Mercury. This was one of a series of contacts with the rest of the Scorpio stellium that distinguishes the first stage of Venus’s retrograde period. Mars, Vesta, Mercury and the Sun are also in that sign together for less than a week, with only Venus conjoining them all while they are there.

Mars on the other hand has one foot out the back door of the sign it co-rules. Taking a cue from austere asteroid Pallas, Mars will be jumping from the frying pan into the spiritual fire of Sagittarius. Indeed, one wonders what Scorpio will be like without its host, but Mars is not done there quite yet. Today, provocative as ever, the Red One embraces asteroid Eros in a hot conjunction that keeps the pan sizzling as the squeamish squirm. At the same time it taunts Arachne in the opposing sign of Taurus. There’s something about that bad boy Mars that Scorpio is going to miss.

One other thing before we get back to the ins and outs of Sol and Pluto. Remember those four goddess asteroids that all jumped signs about the same time earlier this month? We have already mentioned Pallas Athene is on sabbatical in Sagittarius, waiting to show Mars that she is not to be trifled with. It will be an interesting conjunction to start Thanksgiving week. Meanwhile, the other three goddess namesakes are intimately involved with Sun and Pluto, so let’s get back to our aspect du jour and see where they fit in.

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