Tempest Fugue-it

By Len Wallick

Mars into Sagittarius. That’s the headline, but there’s a whole lot more goin’ on, goin’ round and goin’ down.

Perhaps it’s best to start off by pulling back from the tight closeup for a wide-angle view of daily astrology to reflect our tempestuous times. George Lucas seems to have co-opted a plot device from John Tolkien to have three stories going on in parallel, weaving a narrative fugue — in musical terms a fugue is a type of piece wherein a particular melody or theme is played in a number of voices and continuously interwoven.

Darned if that isn’t what seems to be going on right now.

The three plot lines may be said to correspond to three of the four ancient elements that contribute to the character and interpretation of each of the twelve astrological signs. There’s fire, finally. Eloquent Planet Waves astrologer Lisa Roberts recently brought to my attention that fire signs have been devoid of major planets since September 9 when Jupiter back-pedaled out of Aries for an encore appearance in Pisces.

Now after seven weeks, Mars re-ignites matters in the sign that houses the Galactic Core, the Great Attractor and is one of the two signs (along with Gemini) that the lunar nodes are bound for. The impulsive ruler of youthful Aries should be the planet to ingress mature and mystical Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, thus ending the fast that Jupiter started. This has a poetic feel of one chapter closing and another beginning.

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