The Fire and the Light

By Len Wallick

Mars in Sagittarius, repeat it to yourself.

Consider the table tilted. It’s a big shift of energy and emphasis. Today the red planet is involved with the Moon, Venus and Pluto. That involvement will give us a glimpse of just what Mars in Sagittarius could mean. Also on the docket today is the Sun’s conjunction with a long-lived and tightly aspected Scorpio stellium. But first, a peek at the end of the week.

This week winds up with Chiron, then Neptune stationing direct. Both of them will be conjunct to the degree in Aquarius, beginning the last tour of that sign after a long tenure. Chiron returns to Pisces February 2011, Neptune makes its first ingress the following April.

Smack in-between the Chiron and Neptune stations we will have the Scorpio New Moon, taking place at a degree well warmed up by Venus and two other planets. A degree that will also link us back to the previous New Moon in Libra, also through the aegis of Venus. But all of that is a few days away. Let us return to the present.

For months on end, Scorpio has been host to a sustained triple conjunction with a nautical theme. Deucalion is an object that on average, maintains a greater distance from the Sun than Neptune, and crosses the orbit of Pluto. It was named after the ancient Greek equivalent of Noah, survivor of a great flood who re-booted a corrupted humanity.

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