Taking Stock

By Len Wallick

If astrology is telling us anything right now it is that this is a time to take stock. Today’s blog will honor that cue, first by going back to basics and then by demonstrating how the basics are coming together to deliver that fundamental message.

We are in the middle of Scorpio: a point in a sign that is seeing some significant visitors these days bearing significant gifts if we are listening. It is a threshold to a threshold; an idea I will come back to after describing the bigger picture.

The zodiac is depicted as a circle. The circle represents an annual solar cycle. The cycle is equally divided into twelve signs just as the Gregorian calendar is divided into twelve months. The zodiac, however, does not begin and end when the Gregorian calendar begins and ends. Nor do the signs begin and end when the months do.

About the only thing the calendar and zodiac have in common is the fact that one year represents one orbit of the Earth around the Sun. After that, the beginnings and endings of cycles in astrology are organized around the seasons of the Earth. Once a year, when the Sun is directly over the equator, heading North, that is the vernal equinox. It is the first day of the Sun in the sign of Aries; the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. (Obviously the occurrence of seasons is reversed for the Southern Hemisphere in this description.)

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