New Mind Monday

By Len Wallick

Today, Mercury leaves Scorpio behind and moves into Sagittarius. This happens less than two weeks after Mars’ ingress to the same, mutable fire sign, following a weekend of one astrological thing after another.

Speaking of which, it might be appropriate to stop for a moment and review the last few days.

Last Friday before dawn, the Moon crossed into Scorpio and briefly conjoined Venus so precisely it imposed directly in the line of sight between Venus and the Earth (an occultation). After dark, Luna went on to conjoin with the Sun, a New Moon in Scorpio taking place just before the well-worn degree of mid-point of that sign. In between the Moon’s Scorpio ingress and solar congress, Chiron stationed direct in Aquarius for the last time and Keith Olbermann got fired. In doing so, he cleverly executed a gambit that revealed pernicious hypocrisies common to his both his mega-corporate employer and our political system.

On Saturday, Neptune stationed direct in Aquarius for the penultimate time. Emulating the 2010 example of Chiron, it will finally screw up the courage to dip a toe into Pisces next April, returning to Aquarius in August of 2011 for the remainder of the year. Neptune will wait until 2012 before accepting a long tenure in Pisces.

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