Being The Charm — Jupiter Trine Saturn

Jupiter’s last leg of direct motion through Cancer will reach a third and final water trine aspect with retrograde Saturn in Scorpio this weekend. Proverb suggests how a third time can be a charm. If there is anything to that saying, you may want consider embodying charm over this weekend to ride astrology’s flow.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Embedded in the word “charm” is its older meaning of a “magic spell,” and the understanding that such spells must be said a particular way. As another popular maxim suggests, how you say something is often just as important (or even more so) than what you say. That’s the essence of charm.

Considering the historical context of Jupiter’s previous water trines with Saturn, how you express yourself this weekend would appear to be doubly important.

Your consideration begins with both actual and metaphorical water. Symbolic water is (along with fire, earth and air), one of the four elements that contribute to each of astrology’s 12 signs having a unique identity.

Signs that share the same element have a sense of being closely connected even though widely separated on the zodiac circle. There is a name for the representation of such a connection: trine. There is also a word that aptly described trines: flow.

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