Jupiter Emergent

By Len Wallick

My heartfelt thanks to Eric for holding forth in yesterday’s Daily Astrology with a look at Venus and Mars. Now for a look at Jupiter, still keeping close quarters with Uranus in late Pisces. Turns out Old Jove has a hand in what both Venus and Mars and a good number of other planets are up to.

You might say that it’s ruling the sky.

Today Mars traverses the handful of arc minutes separating the centaur planet Pholus from the Great Attractor in Sagittarius, conjoining them both. While that is taking place, the Moon will be making connections of its own in Pisces. The ruler of both Sagittarius and Pisces is Jupiter, which will be stationing direct in a few days, just a handful of hours before Venus also stations direct.

All over the place, Jupiter seems to be setting the tone without itself taking center stage. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to be watching for months on end while the largest planet sweeps across the night are not surprised by this turn of events. Ever since Venus disappeared from the western sky, nothing has dominated the dark hours like the Jovian presence, save the Moon.

Astrology, however, is first and foremost about the Sun. It takes a lot to tip the scales and balance the influence of Sol. Ever since Mars ingressed Sagittarius beginning the dispersion of the personal planet stellium in Scorpio — where the Sun still is — Jupiter’s presence is becoming more apparent — even if the feel of it is just beneath the surface. For now, it’s the turf through which Jupiter is expressed. Let’s break that down.

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