One Step At Our Time

By Len Wallick

This must be the day that somebody told us about. As previewed earlier in the week, first Jupiter, then (about four hours later) Venus, station direct in signs that they respectively rule.

The timing and the placement in combination implies a rarely compounded optimization of positive potential. On the other hand, the angular relationship between the two is awkward. It’s as if a healthy child is learning how to walk. For spectators, a celebratory and auspicious occasion of joy to be long remembered as a milestone. The participant, in the meantime, is subject to a strong, unaccountable motivation to attempt the unfamiliar by risking the uncomfortable.

One might reflect on our own current experience and consider whether the observer or the actor prevails.

Two major planets flipping forward would seem to be a slam dunk for headline news. Today, however, it’s just part of a squeeze for column space on the front page. Check off the list of what is going on at pretty much the same time. The Scorpio Sun is in a flowing water trine with Uranus, the only major planet still retrograde. The Aries Moon is conjunct retrograde Eris. Mercury is taking its Sagittarius turn in conjunction with the Great Attractor.

Then there’s the double-duty details. In addition to its water trine, Sol is feeling the ‘gotta move’ tension of a square with Chiron, recently direct and in its last Aquarius days. Uranus has been functionally conjoined with Jupiter for so long people are starting to talk. There is also an odd daisy chain linking many of the adjacent signs through that ostensible non-aspect known as a semi-sextile.

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