Of Mars and Jupiter

By Len Wallick

This week, our focus continues to be on the sign of Sagittarius and its ruling planet, Jupiter, which is currently direct in Pisces — the other sign it traditionally rules. As of the date of this blog, Mercury, Mars and the Sun are making their way down the aisle through the crowded house of Sadge. In the process they are successively encountering a host of minor planets and two cosmic landmarks that, over a long period of time have collected within this scarce arc of 30 degrees, each and all of them under the dominion of Jupiter.

There is the center of our galaxy, a point so far away that it takes the better part of a century to move a single degree on the zodiac. Vastly more remote and seemingly fixed is the unavoidable and unfathomable Great Attractor, pulling a great train of millions of galaxies toward it even as it retreats in kind. There are three centaurs, evoking shadow and opportunity. Finally, some exotic objects orbiting out past Neptune or not even there at all, with the collection completed by a dozen asteroids from the main belt between Jupiter and Mars. All these from our terrestrial perspective, assembled in a narrow section of sky.

The influence is multiplied by the fact that every one of those points is continually and collectively forming geometric relationships to the other eleven signs and the planets ensconced therein. It is almost as if the cosmos is saying, look here, pay attention. Today Mars duplicates Mercury’s aspect of last Thursday by squaring Jupiter. There is something about this that demands our attention. Before we examine that ruby, however, it would be a good idea to inspect the setting — the immediate past few days and the next few, culminating in the fascinating concurrency of astrological events that will begin next week.

On Saturday, Mercury followed up its Thanksgiving square by going on an aspect shopping spree of sorts. In the course of less than eight hours, Old Fleet-Foot sextiled Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius before turning its sights back to Pisces to do unto Uranus as it had unto Jupiter. This was followed by a conjunction with the Galactic Center yesterday. Shortly thereafter, as if in a sort of closing, the Virgo Moon perfected its last quarter phase by squaring the Sun. Tomorrow (or early Wednesday, depending on where you are) Mercury and Venus will duplicate an amazing feat of synchronization by changing signs on the same day for the second time this month. More about that in the Tuesday blog.

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