Wait a Minute — Gemini New Moon

Say ‘wait a minute’ to mark tomorrow’s Gemini New Moon at 2:40 pm EDT, and you will probably start an important cycle doing the right thing. For astrologers, any New Moon is an important event. When the Sun and Moon share the same degree of the same sign, a new cycle (called a lunation) is sown. In tomorrow’s case, sown with uncertain seeds.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The impending lunation begins with a square to a nearly stationary Neptune in Pisces, indicating (among other things) how you may not want to rush into judgment.

Wait a minute please, that’s not all. Within 24 hours of the luminary (Sun and Moon) conjunction at 7+ Gemini, two sign-ruling planets will change signs.

Venus will enter its Taurus rulership at 9:45 pm tomorrow. Mercury will, in turn, temporarily leave its Gemini home turf behind and initiate a short visit to cardinal Cancer at 5:12 am Thursday morning. Both ingresses imply changes in the background against which your personal life plays out. Changes you might want to understand fully before making any moves. 

Hold on please, there’s more. Before the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 13 (halfway through the new lunation cycle), two sign-ruling planets will appear to change direction.

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