
By Len Wallick

Today the Sun and Moon double down in Sagittarius, covering a couple of big cosmic bets. That will be our focus for this blog.

Further into this week Mars moves on to Capricorn followed by Mercury’s retrograde station in the same sign. Before we get to all the details of those things it would be worth our while to look back at the past several days while we have a chance to look back at all.

If you are reading this you have survived quite a weekend. It started off last Friday when Mars squared off with Uranus although most of us were feeling the tension inside of us days before that. Considering the potential, things could have been a good deal more disruptive. After nearly a year of notorious unpredictability, it appears that Mars is finally getting back to a more traditional pattern of being as strong or stronger in application as it is in aspect and/or separation.

Another modulating influence may have been that in astrology, just as in real estate, it’s location, location, location. In an interesting synchronization, Friday saw the functional Aquarius conjunction of Chiron and Neptune at the same degree of that sign as Uranus in Pisces and Mars in Sagittarius. Think of it as a buffer. For example, are you one of the many who uncharacteristically and unexpectedly overslept at least once last week? What felt like an inconvenience at the time could have been a saving grace.

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