
By Len Wallick

Friday shortly after 7 am EST, Mercury stations retrograde at 5+ Capricorn, in a close conjunction with Pluto.

Like the rest of current astrology and life in general for many right now, there is a theme of complexity. It would make sense to itemize some of the highlights of the entire period that actually started nearly three weeks ago when Old Wing Foot crossed the point where it eventually stations direct at the end of this month. It would also do us well to review some basics of retrograde synchronicity and protocol.

This is the first Mercury retrograde in over a year to take place in more than one sign. It is happening at a time of peak expenditure and travel that accompanies a widely observed holiday season. Taking into account the time since Fleet Foot passed the station direct point, thus entering the echo phase, there will be several significant highlights repeated three times. In addition to thrice crossing the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp, those triplets would include three conjunctions each with the Galactic Center, North lunar node and, finally, Pluto, the last of which will take place just as the backside echo phase is coming to a close.

There will be a change of seasons and Mercury will conjoin the Sun in passing. Just a day or so before a full-blown lunar eclipse will take place. Interestingly enough, on the same day of the Sun-Mercury conjunction, just before the Capricorn Solstice, Venus emerges from the echo phase of its own recent eclipse cycle and steps into new territory for the first time in over two months. Told ya’ Venus knew how to pick its spots.

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