The Watched Power

By Len Wallick

Right off the bat, those of you who have not read Eric’s insightful weekend blog Let’s keep an eye on this one should scroll back and attend to that first.

In that piece, Eric addressed the issue of today’s Capricorn conjunction of Mercury, Mars, and Pluto so thoroughly it makes gilding that particular lily unnecessary. Instead, one will fall back on the old reliable. When in doubt, start with the luminaries.

There are those who have never bothered or had the opportunity to identify a visible planet. An even smaller number have had the motivation to employ a telescope. But what human being has not seen the Sun and Moon? Together, they form most of the foundation of astrology. From Sol’s apparent motion, the referential structure is derived. Luna’s accessible cycles and unique partnership with our planet yield access to both fundamental and sophisticated principles. Rich with symbolism, incorporated into our genetic and experiential consciousness, this dynamic duo is our direct connection with the cosmos. It is thus fitting that this morning for most of us, the waxing Moon exacts its first quarter phase.

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