Setting Out

The focus of today’s astrology is the Sun and Mercury and the signs they are in. The Moon and Pluto will be mentioned as well.

We are past the sequence of events that culminated with the lunar eclipse on the Capricorn solstice. It may seem as though we are due for things to wind down. That does not appear to be the case. Something is going on. One would have to be asleep not to see it. Rather than having arrived at some climax or destination, it feels like we are setting out on a new expedition. One could almost bet that the evolving relationship between Mercury and the Sun can provide us with a handle to grasp.

The apparent motion of the Sun is now back toward the equator and we will soon see it change its direction along the horizon with each day’s dawn and setting. Preceding and during Sol’s period of pivot and reversal, Mercury’s retrograde has served as both a bridge and an amplifying counterpoint. With both the lesser planet and the greater luminary doing their similar business in the same vicinity of the zodiac at the same time, there has been a concurrency and exchange of energy signatures that more than anything, distinguished the recent astrology up to this point.

That was then, this is different. The new solar season initiates a fresh cardinal paradigm punctuated by a daily series of Capricorn conjunctions that will carry us through the Christmas weekend. At the same time but now in a very different place, Mercury continues to backpedal for another full week, right up to the penultimate day of 2010. This new and distinguishing pattern of same time, separate activity and separating place and has not come about suddenly. It has simply, gradually become apparent.

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