Blowing Hot and Cool

By Len Wallick

Today the Sun conjoins with Pluto, which will be the main subject of today’s blog. We will also take a look at what retrograde Mercury and the Moon are up to.

The Sun-Pluto conjunction has been taking place in Capricorn since December of 2008. That pattern will continue until January of 2024. Every year the surrounding context will be a bit different. Let’s break it down from the general and proceed to examine the specifics of today’s aspect.

Capricorn is not only a cardinal sign but the last in a solar cycle of four. This is a serious sort of energy: make something happen, get things done, bring ideas to form, all of it with a public and collective syntax. The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, an inter-personal planet closely associated with social order as defined by practical principles of limitation determining structure and role.

The Sun represents the aware, conscious self and its vital, willful expression. As the center of our solar system and the dominant presence in our sky, it is associated with life energy and identifying principles. In Capricorn, Sol is not exalted, nor is it in detriment or fall. The greater luminary can, however, be said to find itself in sympathy with the sign because ingress there represents a defining limit in its annual cycle of apparent movement. It is this sympathy which in turn places the Capricorn Sun in a notable disposition to the influence of Saturn. That’s how the serious nature of the energy comes about.

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