
By Len Wallick

Since this is your curmudgeon correspondent’s final blog of 2010, some expressions of gratitude are in order.

Profound and astonished thanks to Eric who plucked yours truly out of the back pew and put him in the choir without an audition or background check. Still don’t know what you were thinking, dude. May it come to pass that Karma reward you in proportion to your audacious, unaccountable decision. Thank you as well for your daily example of integrity, maturity, compassion and responsibility.

A huge debt of thanks also goes out to Fe Bongolan and Amanda Painter, my intellectual and creative superiors, for so kindly acquiescing to edit the mundane musings of (let’s face it, folks) a functional illiterate without portfolio, diploma or degree. Their gracious and patient support helped provide the readers of Planet Waves with something readable. Fe and Amanda, you have helped me to improve. Still trying to figure out how to return the favor.

Anatoly, thank you for providing the magic carpet and for the underlying presence of a true giant among men. Judith, Sarah, Carol, and other author-contributors, thank you for your inspiring words and for exquisite writing styles to aspire to. There are, for sure, others who have served me without introduction and my thanks go to them as well. To Tracy Delaney, Kirsti Melto and other great astrologers, thank you for showing how it’s done. Perhaps one shall eventually learn from your example.

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