A Transitional Step

By Len Wallick

Mercury, Neptune and the Galactic Center are key to our astrology today, but first a look at the Moon and selected events of the recent as well as distant past.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Today is the second Monday of 2011. Just as it did on the first Monday of the year, the Moon starts the business week entering a cardinal sign. A week ago the lunar ingress was to Capricorn, today it is into Aries. In both cases the Aries point was activated. The implication is that the first two Mondays of 2011 are associated with the beginning of a new paradigm of some sort. One that is consistent with the characteristics of the lesser luminary. Having to do with the personal, intuitive and emotional progressions of a shorter, more intimate cycle. A cycle that, by benefit of its positional context, connects with the collective as well. After today is over, compare it to January 3 and see what parallels you can come up with.

Along the lines of a new beginning, it is worth noting that Eris stationed direct yesterday. This ends a period of retrograde motion that started on July 18 last year. It places the planet ostensibly associated with discord into a meaningful and possibly even auspicious concordance with the so-called major planets which are all in direct motion at this time. It also provides us with some perspective.

At the time of Eris’ retrograde station, Saturn was completing its last tour of Virgo, Jupiter and Uranus were still on their first foray into Aries, and the cardinal T-square was still going through its motions. Now of course, Saturn has completed a decade-long series of squares and oppositions to outer planets and is moving on to other things. Jupiter and Uranus have also recently exacted their last conjunction for a long time. Thus this direct station of Eris comes at a time of transition as we build to the next rendition of the cardinal point squares, when Uranus and Pluto resume their own series again next year.

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