A Transitional Phase

By Len Wallick

Tomorrow the Aries Moon reaches its first quarter phase at 6:31 am EST. That and a few other choice tidbits will be the subject of today’s blog. Luna is always one to deliver a message. Luminary of the night, it is at once straightforward and complex, regular and variable, intimate and mysterious. It is integrated deeply into our consciousness and probably encoded somewhere in our DNA. After looking at the Sun, any astrologer would be well advised to next locate the Moon.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

The first quarter includes a lot of stuff. First, the Moon is halfway between new and full. That means it is separating from the Sun. Therefore, whatever dichotomy that is synchronous with the phase is probably widening. It also means that the aspect between Luna and Sol is that of a square. If there is a line connecting the Earth and Sun, the Moon is longitudinally at a 90 degree angle to that line.

That angle is where we find the beginning of the Moon’s message. Signs are grouped in different ways. Line them up and have them count off by fours, that’s the element — earth, air, fire and water. If they count off by threes, that’s the quality. Cardinal, fixed and mutable. All signs of the same quality are at right angles to each other. In spite of that, for some reason that goes way back before Robert Hand’s beard, cardinal signs are the ones associated with squares. Perhaps it is the season thing.

Cardinal signs begin when the Sun turns a corner. One when as far south as it can go, over the tropic of Capricorn. One when it is far north as it can go, over the tropic of Cancer, The other two when transiting the equator, which sign depending on Sol’s direction at the time. Four seasons, four corners, one honkin’ square.

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