Transitions to Come

By Len Wallick

Before the nuts and bolts of astrology, a word, please.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

It has been a painful week. In the United States, the tragic particulars of a mass murder have prompted entire cross sections of people to venture deep into self examination while smaller segments went even further into abject denial. Our sisters and brothers in Australia continue to experience the inundating synchronicity of Uranus in the last degrees of Pisces, empowered by an expansive conjunction with Jupiter.

Hither and yon we have seen one person after another exhausting their defenses and succumbing to seasonal or ambient stress or infectious illness. The legal defense of Julian Assange (remember WikiLeaks?) has posited that he is fighting not only for his freedom, but his very life. With the realization that we are in an astrological period of transition, the logical question, the understandable concern, is whether this sort of thing is indicative and symptomatic of long term prospects. The answer is, probably not. Change is the only trend we can bet on.

While waiting for this too to pass, the idea is not to be passive. Rather our task is to do the work on the only thing we can control, our own self. If the work is motivated by devotion and informed by joy, it is not drudgery. If it is consistent in its application, our awareness will be enhanced so as to better know when to act and the appropriate action to take. With the perception that the continuous focus of our astrology will be the Aries Point phenomenon, it becomes self evident that a well-timed response needs to be informed by realization that we are one with. The practice of active compassion is in fact the revolution that cannot fail. With that, and your forgiveness, let us please proceed to the astrology.

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