Coming Together – Forward From Fear

By Len Wallick

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won…Think of it – always.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Please recall from recent Daily Astrology blogs that all the personal planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars — have recently changed signs during the period between the Capricorn New Moon earlier this month and the Cancer Full Moon tomorrow.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Mercury moved direct from Sagittarius across a cardinal point into Capricorn for the second time since its recent retrograde between those two signs. Venus, after a very long time in Libra and Scorpio because of its own rare and lengthy retrograde period has just started a new era for itself in the mutable fire of Sagittarius. Finally, Mars left Capricorn on the winged heels of Mercury’s ingress and entered the fixed air sign of Aquarius. All of this was to be a precursor of sorts.

First, there are the impending and auspicious changes awaiting the trans-personal planets. Jupiter and Saturn, through their longer orbital periods, are bridging a generational span. In deed as in word, by this time next week, Jupiter will have made its own second direct ingress to Aries and Saturn will have stationed retrograde.

Second, the transition of the personal planets evidence that the time between the cardinal sign T-square of 2010 and future cardinal point square aspects between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn in 2012 is not some sort of lull. It is a continuum, illustrating connection between the personal and political. The cumulative effect of individual choices made today will shape what appears to be a new epoch: we are co-creators of the future and not helpless subjects of the cycles of history.

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