Remonstration — First Quarter Moon

You may well find yourself having either given or received a just remonstration by the lunar first quarter on Thursday. If you are fortunate, you will be the humbled party. Strange as it may seem, it’s easier to accept stern correction than risk everything by expostulating as an expression of love. And with the Sun’s position on Thursday, love will be subtly but indelibly implied.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Gemini Sun’s position on Thursday will be the same as it was on June 5, 2012, when Venus was visibly transiting the face of the Sun for the last time in this century.

The Venus transit was a solar eclipse of sorts with Venus in place of the Moon. Though not nearly as obvious as darkness at the break of noon, the rarity and symbolism of Venus occulting the Sun left its mark as all eclipses do.

On the zodiac, where everything is in constant motion, eclipses are the exception. They do leave a mark. The sign and degree where an eclipse takes place is essentially “held” as a meaningful place until some significant time has passed.

So it is for 15+ Gemini where the solar symbol of consciousness was indelibly crossed by Venus, which, “in its highest manifestation,” as Robert Hand succinctly put it, “is love.”

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