Coming Together – Sun Into Aquarius

By Len Wallick

At 5:18 am EST, the Sun left the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn where it has been since shortly after a total lunar eclipse last month, and is now in Aquarius. Aquarius is a fixed air sign as oxymoronic as the combination of element and quality would imply.

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The traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius is Saturn, so there is potential for some continuity. Over the two centuries or so since its discovery in 1781, Uranus has been somewhat arbitrarily and sometimes controversially designated as ruler of Aquarius. The book is not closed on this. For those of you who have gotten to know and tolerate those of us solar Aquarians, the designation might make sense when you consider that the axial tilt of Uranus is over 97 degrees — in other words, the poles are roughly parallel with the plane of the solar system, where other planets have their equators. That’s how we roll.

Where Saturn and Uranus come together is in the designation of Aquarius as the sign of the collective. The cooperative assumption of common purpose leading to agriculture and civilization is Saturnalian, while the term “We The People” is definitely a Uranian expression. There’s your oxymoronic quality again as well. On one hand, subordinating individuality to serve the common good, while on the other, taking note of when “…it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.” It makes perfect sense and it doesn’t.

Preceding the Sun into Aquarius are the largest-asteroid-become-smallest-dwarf-planet Ceres, as well as our red friend Mars. There are also two bodies soon to leave after long tenure. Neptune will try the waters of Pisces this April, then return later in the year to pack its bags to make a long-term commitment in 2012 to the sign it co-rules. Chiron, having dipped its toe last year is preparing to swim the distance when it dives into Pisces early next month.

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